Bikin ini udah lamaaa banget, udah siap upload tanggal 11 tapi tiba2 harus keluar kota karena pakde terkena serangan jantung, jadi mohon maaf uploadnya terlambat, alhamdulillah dapet dispensasi dari Mba Vivi Nowotny, host yang baik hati.. :)
Resep nyontek
dari sini
Aku bikin setengah resep, ini aku copas ya..
Choco Whoopie Pies
50g/2oz Butter or Margarine *aku pake margarine
50g/2oz Caster Sugar (superfine)
1 Egg
2 tbsp Cocoa Powder
100g/4oz Self Raising Flour *aku pake terigu serbaguna plus 1/4 sdt baking powder
½ teasp Vanilla Extract *pake vanili bubuk
60ml/2fl.oz. Milk *aku pake buttermilk
How to:
Although the traditional method is to cream together the butter and sugar, then add the egg, mixing well, before adding the remaining ingredients, good results can be achieved by just placing all the ingredients in the mixing bowl at the same time as does mixing the ingredients in a food mixer or processor.
How much mixture to place on the baking trays
2 heaped tablespoons of cake mixture dropped onto a lightly greased baking sheet is enough to make whoopie pie halves about 7.5cm/3-inches in diameter once they have been spread out a little with the back of a spoon. You can maker larger whoopie pies by using more of the mixture for each half. Be sure to leave plenty of space between each mound of mixture so you can spread it out with plenty of space between.
At what oven temperature should whoopie pies be cooked ?
In general 180C, 350F, Gas Mark 4 although if you have a fan assisted oven, you should reduce the temperature accordingly.
For how long should whoopie pies be cooked?
If you are using the above guidelines 15 minutes should be long enough however, you can test whether the whoopie pie halves are cooked through by pushing a wooden toothpick into the centre. If it comes out clean, then the mixture has cooked through. If you decide to make slightly larger whoopie pies, they will need an extra 5 minutes or so.
Once baked they will need to be cooled on a wire rack before they can be filled.
Untuk filling, aku cuma pake selai coklat dan selai blueberry yang ada di rumah. Maaf ini memang super duper simpel sekali karena waktu itu sibuk mempersiapkan pernikahan tanggal 5 Juni kemarin..(ehem)..^^